LoSo Shop


Hey, I'm writing this because I want to support a really good friend and her growing business.
Violet is a young designer from Hong Kong. Many of you already know Violet's handmade earrings or necklaces which k-tr.in is always wearing. They can now be bought online! Violet worked a lot on setting up her website during the last couple of weeks and there is a lot to see. So take a look and check it out! If you are in Hong Kong, just take your time and visit her in her shop in Lo Sho Shing village on Lamma Island and relax in her garden, you'll not regret it!

She also uses Blogspot and Etsy. Of course Violet is always telling me that I am so yesterday - I do not use Facebook. But if you do, you can add her there, too.


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  1. Violet Chan says:

    Toby, i found this post in internet acidently~!!Thanks for writing about me!!!Miss uuuuuxxxx

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